RepoSync Maven Plugin

Used to prepare a remote Maven repository to be used exclusively (i.e.: without Central) for project builds.

Goals Overview


Installing a dependency

The execution below will deploy the following to repository file://C:/myrepo

  • The dependency’s artifact
  • The dependency’s transitive dependency artifacts
  • The POMs of the artifact versions that were disqualified as transitive dependencies

mvn com.kerbaya.maven:reposync-maven-plugin:update -DrepositoryUrl=file://C:/myrepo -Dartifact=junit:junit:4.12

Installing a dependency with JavaDocs and sources

The execution below will deploy the following to repository file://C:/myrepo

  • The dependency’s artifact
  • The dependency’s transitive dependency artifacts
  • The JavaDoc and sources of the dependency and its transitive dependencies
  • The POMs of the artifact versions that were disqualified as transitive dependencies

mvn com.kerbaya.maven:reposync-maven-plugin:update -DrepositoryUrl=file://C:/myrepo -Dartifact=junit:junit:4.12 -Djar:javadoc,jar:sources